Sunday, May 29, 2011

Under 8's Week

What fun was had by all down in Prep last week during Under 8's Week! Students in Prep, Years 1, 2 and 3 participated in a variety of exciting activities that ranged from face painting to obstacle courses. Thank you to the teachers (particularly the Prep teachers) who worked so hard to make the event so special. Take a look at this slide show of some of the fun that was had.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Leo the Lion

Look at this great video of Prep J singing Leo the Lion in the library. The children had just listened to the short-listed book It's Bedtime, William by Deborah Niland in which William is visited at bedtime by a lion. The children have learnt all about the letter L in class and were delighted to sing this song to Mrs Sorbello. What a great job, Prep J!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Prep Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Our Prep students invited their Mums to a special afternoon tea to celebrate Mother's Day this week. They baked cupcakes, biscuits and meringues to share and set up their classrooms as restaurants. There were beautifully presented tables with serviettes, flowers and specially created menus. The children acted as waiters and waitresses, taking their Mums' orders and serving up the food along with the choice of juice or water. After this wonderful feast, the children shared their diaries with their Mums. It was great to see all the exciting learning that has been taking place in our Prep classes. The children (and the visitors!) were very proud of their efforts and the afternoon was a special time for all who attended. Thank you to the Prep teachers and their school officers who worked hard to make the afternoon tea such a success. Well done all! Take a look at this slide show of photos from the afternoon.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Year 2/3 Persuasive Letter

Year 2/3 J wrote me this very persuasive letter requesting that I purchase some more Horrid Henry books for the library. It is such a great letter, I have ordered more of this series. Well done, children!

12th April 2011

Mrs Sorbello

St Anthony's

School Library

Dear Mrs Sorbello,

2/3J loves the amazing, entertaining stories of Horrid Henry. We thought if we wrote to a generous, intelligent librarian such as yourself, we might be able to convince you to purchase some more hilarious Horrid Henry books for the school library.

Firstly, 2/3J believes that Horrid Henry is the most entertaining book ever written. His horrid behaviour shocks us; however, it makes us laugh hysterically.

Secondly, Horrid Henry book are extremely educational. They help to build our vocabulary with words such as shrieking, gobbling and thrashing. We have also become experts on alliteration with the help of Moody Margret, Rude Ralph and Clever Clair. We're learning through reading, isn't that what you want?

Finally, many of us have never shown much interest in reading before, but thanks to the amazing adventures of Horrid Henry, we're now non- stop readers. We guarantee you these books will never be left on the shelf collecting dust.

So surely you can see that you should, you must, you have to buy more Horrid Henry books.

Thanking you in advance
