Thursday, October 11, 2012

Year 7 Egyptian Artefacts

As part of their History focus on ancient civilisations, the Year 7 students were asked to research an Egyptian artefact and create a representation of it to showcase in an oral presentation in class. The end results are most impressive and the learning that took place has been valuable. The slideshow below highlights the good work done by these students. Well done, kids!

Year 5 My Place Task

Take a look at the great visual response the students of Year 5 have made to the My Place story. The children have been studying aspects of Australian history and were asked to create a treasure box of items for one of the characters from the book and TV series. The children demonstrated their knowledge in an oral presentation that included their constructed items. Well done, kids!

Year 2 Picture Books

Well done to our Year 2 students who explored the text type of Picture Books during term 3. The children have studied a wide variety of picture books, identifying the structure, elements and the use of figurative language. They then created their own picture books, which are currently on display in the library.